Captain ​Steve Bryson

Professional Outfitter & Guide

Phone: (423) 519-6081


Call for Pricing and Additional Information on Our Hunts

​Hunting Q&A

Answers to Some Commonly Asked Questions

1) Our hunts will be mainly for coyote and wild hogs as we can hunt those year around with no limits. We will also offer big game hunts for deer and turkey in season. Our bird hunts and other small game hunts are still in the planning phase. More to come on those in the near future.

 2) These hunts are for WILD ANIMALS ONLY! These are not the "canned hunts" that you see other outfitters advertising on the internet. These animals are not stocked, they are not fenced in and they are not baited. This is a pure hunting experience. We do not have exotic species to choose from and we don't guarantee any success rates on these hunts. That's why we call it hunting and not killing.
Just like you have come to expect on our guided fishing trips, we still uphold the most ethical standards imaginable. We are true outdoorsmen and sportsmen, just like we hope and expect our clients to be. And as such, we know that there is no way to predict success on a fair chase hunt. Beware of any outfitter that tries to guarantee what a wild animal will do. If I could do that, I wouldn't be an me on that!

 3) Our coyote and hog hunts are conducted on private farms. We have agreements with the landowners for access to their properties in order to hunt these animals. We hunt from stands, either tree stands or ground blinds for the hogs.
In the case of the coyote hunts, we will be covering lots of different areas and will also be actively calling them in using predator calls. You MUST wear sufficient camo clothing for the coyote hunts. Most of our stands for these will consist of us sitting on the ground and blending in. We move around a lot during these hunts and don't have enough structures in place to cover all our areas.

4) You can absolutely keep the animals that you kill. We can field dress them for you, quarter them out or you can take them whole. The choice is yours. Just be sure and bring at least 2 good size coolers with you on hog hunts, along with ice of course. Wild hog is delicious and you certainly want to keep that meat. If you prefer not to keep it, that's fine too. Your guide will certainly be glad to keep it.

5) You need a small game hunting license for the coyote and other small game hunts. Of course you'll also need the proper licensing for the hog, deer and turkey, too. 

6) You can use a rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, pistol, bow or crossbow for the hog hunts. We recommend scoped rifles for the coyotes due to the long range shots that are sometimes needed. You can also bring a shotgun for the coyotes that come in to the calls with reckless abandon. This is rare, but very exciting when it does happen. It can also give you a chance at multiple kills when they rush the call.
Your guide will be carrying a rifle, and in most cases a sidearm as well. If you choose to hunt hogs with a bow we recommend that you carry a sidearm also. This is for your protection, as hogs have been known to attack hunters. Especially when the hunter has just stuck them with an arrow!

7) Most of our hunts will be held in the early morning and evening hours. The hunts can vary on times in the field according to the different situations that we may encounter, such as inclement weather. We will hunt through bad weather, if it makes sense and the weather will soon blow through. The guide will always air on the side of safety and make the best decisions possible concerning the hunting times. 

8) We respect your time as always and will do our best to maximize your hunting time. However, we WILL NOT leave a wounded animal in the field. If your guide believes that you hit an animal, and a blood trail is found that proves it, all efforts will go towards recovering that animal. 



​​​Guided Hunts Available Year Around

​​​We are pleased to announce that we are now offering guided hunting trips. We are offering wild hog, predator and big game hunts. Our wild hog and predator hunts are available year around. Naturally, our big game hunts are available during legal hunting seasons only. We have secured multiple landowner agreements that allow us to hunt in virtual solitude throughout the properties.
Our year around hunts are for wild hog and coyotes. There are no limits and no off-season for these species and the action can be incredible. It is not uncommon to harvest multiple animals during these trips. It can be a great destination hunt or as a primer for other hunts that you may have planned. No better way to stay sharp in the off-season.